The Intendant And Her "Universe"

The Alternate Story Of The Alliance

by Bob and Blanche

Terok Nor, the Alliance mining-station over Bajor
Terok Nor

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Ooops...wrong show!!

Back in the 1960s we were fortunate to capture transmissions through a temporal spatial anomaly (Zathrus hates temporal mechanics!) that offered an enticing view of various organizations in what appears to be the future.

One of these conflagurations, the Federation, appears relatively benign, almost boring at times. The other, the Alliance, is marked by periods of extreme violence. Although there are parallels between the two universes, the Alliance appears more interesting.

With the Alliance, the Klingons and Cardassians were the primary cultures that provided direction both political and military. The Bajorans were noted as expert administrators, the Klingons as a fierce military force, and the Cardassians as the most effective political group, yet also highly regarded for their military might. Without a doubt they were equal to the Klingons.

There were a number of other cultures, such as Terrans (mostly labor force with some scientific efforts) and the Vulcans, who provided both scientific advances as well as acting as arbitrators in any conflict among the other members of the Alliance. These highly logical people were, without a doubt, the most intellectual of all the members. On the other hand, the Terrans once ruled a vast empire of their own until they were utterly defeated by this "Alliance" of the Klingons & Cardassians at the end of the 23rd Century. As with any conquered people, the Terrans were reduced to slave-status by their new masters. The Bajorans were also highly regarded for their arts (sculpture, writing, painting, music, etc.) in addition to administrative expertise. Still another major culture, the Ferengi, specialized in financial matters, acting as the "bankers" and underwriters for the Alliance (much to their benefit).

The Intendant: Her Past

Intendant, thumbnail One must have sympathy for this person. Although born and raised on Bajor in the time of the Alliance, her life was not all that luxurious. Born to well-known artists, her life was one of ease. Had she chosen to follow in her parents' endeavours, she would have been automatically chosen to enter the Bajor Academy of Arts.

Unfortunately, her artistic skills were not commensurate with expectations and she chose to pursue an administrative career, entering the Bajoran Academy of Arbitrage. As she once stated "I was the worst finger-painter at the 4-year-old level".

This line of education included a strong background and hands-on experience in a variety of management skills and approaches, drawing from the other cultures of the Alliance. This is considered critical, since the Bajorans would be managing people and resources from many cultures at one time. It was not unusual for a student to spend a year on Krônos (the Klingon home-world, & the "seat" of the Alliance - home of the ruling Emperor Ka'lyss & his family) attending the War College, learning both strategies and tactics as well as personal combat techniques.

It was after the Klingon training session that Kira returned to Bajor to continue her studies. At this time she was approached by a group of Terrans to help them gain more allowances within the Bajoran government. Her previous on-site duty had been on Terra (referred to by the locals as "Earth"), working with the resettlement and relocation department. While there she was part of a training mission to educate a group of Terrans in Bajoran management methods. It was not unusual for Terrans to be advanced into lower supervisory positions. The more ambitious, once they demonstrated loyalty to Bajor and the Alliance, were often promoted higher (& received certain "fringe-benefits" if they were exceptionally loyal).

Intendant gets it from Sisko

It was during this time she met Benjamin Sisko. He was being trained as a ferry pilot. These ferries brought the raw ore to Terok Nor. Only those most trusted Terrans received this training. Lucky for Sisko!

Wait.... there's more, More, MORE!!!
(Stop drooling!! We're running a little short on Kira-Towels! *g*)

Her Present

Eventually, Kira schlepped (& slept) her way up the Alliance power-structure high enough to be appointed Intendant for Terok Nor (Deep Space Nine in the other universe), a Cardassian-built station orbiting Bajor. This is a manufacturing facility including ore refineries, light and mid-range manufacturing. It also operates as the primary transportation access to & from Bajor for other cultures and organizations. Hence it has the conventional immigration, diplomatic and military resources to deal with a multi-cultural and diverse clientéle.

The Two Kiras chat During a relatively calm period not long after Kira became Intendant, a second temporal anomaly occurred. The first event which occured a century earlier, exchanging a group of three Federation Starfleet officers for their physical analogs in the old Terran Empire, resulted in a major upheaval which weakened the Empire to an extent that allowed the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance to move in and crush it. This second event did not involve a physical exchange, but was merely a displacement from the Federation into the Alliance. Since this time, more research has been done to develop methods to control the travel between the two parallel universes (including the development of a device to allow persons to transport between the two universes).

What was most unsettling was that one of the Federation entities was an exact duplicate of the Intendant. In fact, it appears that this person was the Intendant's analog in the other universe.

Her Future (and the Terran Rebellion)

Intendant Kira Recently, a large band of Terran laborers, tired of the cruel treatment by their Alliance overseers & led by the ferry-captain Benjamin Sisko and a "tinkerer & putterer, fixer of things" named "Smiley" O'Brien, have risen in revolt & gained control of Terok Nor. It was widely believed that this insurrection began as a direct consequence of the second entry of Federation personnel into the Alliance-universe. Whatever its origin, the revolt quickly escalated into a full-scale rebellion involving the Terrans, Ferengi and several other cultures vs. the Klingons, Cardassians and Bajorans, and after a series of savage battles the Alliance garrison, including the Cardassian first-officer Gul Garak, fled the station. The Terran rebels overran Terok Nor, forcing the Intendant and her few remaining troops to surrender. Naturally, this did not amuse the Alliance's de-facto ruler, the Klingon Imperial Regent, Worf (his uncle, the Emperor, having been recently deposed & interred into an insane-asylum on Krônos).

Poor Kira! She was forced to suffer numerous indignities including torture, confinement & having Mirrani, her attractive Terran slave-masseuse, taken from her for days on end!  Without delay the Regent assembled a battle-fleet to recapture Terok Nor and, with the snivelling & impertinent Garak in chains by his side, made good his assault. Fortunately for the rebels, they had somehow constructed a ship, the Defiant, powerful enough to outclass any Alliance vessel & this attack was boldly repulsed. The Terrans also received considerable help from Benjamin Sisko of the Federation universe (his analog, the ferry-captain, having been killed early in the revolt).

During this latest battle the Intendant, after several previous attempts, finally made good her escape (with the help of a Ferengi whom she thanked by phasering him... typical!). Her current whereabouts were unknown until....

Original Text ©1996-1998 Bob & Blanche